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SYMA Consulting’s Black Friday

Por sólo una semana, recibe un 30% de descuento en el curso de MDSAP – Medical Device Single Audit Program, en español. Ingresa a www.symaconsulting.com (pestaña e-learning)Ingresando el cupón MDSAP2020 en la página de check-out. O directamente aquí. El descuento termina el 4 de diciembre, pero puedes apartar tu curso y empezarlo de aquí hasta dentro de…

Medical Devices Class Ir – Transitional Provisions to MDR
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Medical Devices Class Ir – Transitional Provisions to MDR

It is not easy to follow how and when to apply the new future MDR, a big pressure has been set on the class I reusable medical devices manufacturer to be ready to transition, yes but by when? Well back in July, the rules have changed again but are offering a longer transition period –…

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GMED designated under Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices

GMED official publication on linkedin: GMED (CE 0459) has been designated as a Notified Body under the Regulation (EU) 2017/745 by the French National Agency for Medicines and Health Products Safety (ANSM). Equipped with this designation since July 8 2020, GMED has mobilized its teams to offer manufacturers with certification services according to the Regulation…

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Medical Devices – Harmonized Standards MDD – New Listing

In March this year, a new list of harmonized standard was published, see the new list in this link: https://ec.europa.eu/growth/single-market/european-standards/harmonised-standards/medical-devices/ You need to download the files now in order to see the list.

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FDA guidance to help current manufacturing limitations due to disruptions caused by the COVID-19 – FDA to temporarily accept changes to devices approved through PMA or HDE.

For the duration of the public health emergency, FDA does not intend to object to limited modifications to the manufacturing of devices approved through the PMA program or the HDE program, without prior submission of the required PMA or HDE supplement or 30-day notice, where the modification does not create an undue risk in light…

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Medical Devices Regulation MDR Postponed.

Medical Devices Regulation postponed by a year in the EU. “With patient health and safety as a guiding principle, the Commission adopted a proposal on 3 April 2020 to postpone the application date of the Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) for one year. The goal is to have the Parliament and Council adopt the proposal by…


Brexit – rules for Medical Devices if no deal.


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Capacitación de Gestión del Ciclo de vida de los SW Softwares en los dispositivos medicos ISO 62304

En diciembre 2015, un business partner de SYMA va a ofrecer un curso de 2 dias en ISO 62304 en Washington DC. Información en info@symaconsulting.com 2 days training course on Medical Device Software Lifecycle Processes. Date: December 14th and 15th, 2015 Special Early Bird tickets are only available until November 13 th. Location: Washington DC…